Sweating is a normal function that the body uses to cool itself when the internal temperature. Hyperhydrosis is a medical condition resulting in too much sweating or sweating more than is necessary. It is divided into 2 forms: primary hyperhydrosis and secondary hyperhydrosis.
Primary hyperhydrosis is the commonest type. It affects mainly the palms, soles and/or axillae. The forehead may also be involved. It is usually induced by extreme emotions or stress. The sweating happens only when the person is awake. In all the other areas excessive sweating starts in childhood, while excessive sweating in the axilla starts during or after puberty. Some affected patients can have other family members with the same problem.
Secondary Hyperhydrosis is usually associated with another medical problem mainly autonomic dysregulation, metabolic disorders, spinal cord injuries, cancers and illnesses that cause fever. It may affect the whole body or be localised. The excessive sweating might stop when the medical condition is treated.
Treatment of hyperhydrosis includes topical lotions, tablets and even Botox. Your dermatologist will be able to advice which treatment is suitable for individual patients depending on the areas involved or what the cause of the sweating is.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” – Gandhi.